• How-To

    Addressing Bot Traffic by User Agent or ISP

    Bots.  They are a staple of the web these days.  Google uses them to crawl sites to judge relevancy for organic search (SEO) results.  Some other, more nefarious users utilize bots to drive up clicks in a fraudulent way to either hurt their competitors by increasing their costs or to generate additional revenue.  In any case, bots are an unwanted click in the performance marketing space due to the fact that it’s not a real user and it won’t convert.  These clicks cost money and they skew highly coveted stats such as Earnings per Click (EPC) and conversion rates, hurting reputations and business relationships along the way.

  • Insights

    Value in Technology

    “It's unwise to pay too much, but it's worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money - that's all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do. The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot - it can't be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the risk you run, and if you do that you will have enough to pay for something better.” –John Ruskin

  • Insights

    Mobile Performance Marketing Is A Piece Of CAKE!

    Smartphones and tablets are here to stay and they’re clearly here to dominate the world.  Maybe phones haven’t become self-aware terminating machines [yet] but access to smart phones, and therefore mobile broadband, is reaching far beyond that of the lowly desktop computer that revolutionized our lives not so long ago.

  • Insights

    Getting The Most Out Of Onboarding And Training

    Changing platforms can be difficult. Luckily there's a team at CAKE to make things much easier. Advertisers, Networks, and Agencies all have one major thing in common. Finding a tracking platform supported by uptime guarantees to ensure their data is always in safe hands, is of the utmost importance.  Once you've found your perfect platform, you now need to learn how to use it, and not just use it…but really get the most out of it! This phase is commonly referred to as onboarding and training. During this stage all data will need to be transferred to the new platform, and all users will need to be trained on your new system.

  • Product Development

    Simplifying Exchange Rates And Currencies In CAKE

    Did you know CAKE has the ability to function in multiple currencies?  All currencies can be added into your CAKE instance, and exchange rates easily updated on the fly!  What does this mean for your business? Working with international advertisers, agencies, networks and publishers is now simplified as CAKE customers can both receive and send payments in any required currency.

  • CAKE News

    We Partner With The Industry’s Best

    Have you ever wondered what it takes to run a performance marketing program? If you have run a program before or have experience working within the digital marketing space you probably know it requires in-depth knowledge, diligence and the right tools to make it happen. BUT the payoff is rewarding!

  • How-To

    CAKE Payment Clearinghouse With Tipalti

    CAKE is now integrated with Tipalti, the online automated global mass payment platform, leveraging Citibank to make fast, easy and affordable payments to any vendor in 190 countries using various payment methods. This seamless integration streamlines the process for CAKE users by providing a “one-click” payment solution and eliminating the manual process and resources previously necessary to remit payments to Publishers.

  • How-To

    Lead Tiers and Exchange Rates Within CAKE

    CAKE has just released both Lead Tier and Exchange Rate functionalities. Are you trying to pay your Affiliates for Leads with specific information?  Why not use our new Lead Tier functionality? Tired of having to look up exchange rates for your international Affiliates?  Let CAKE do the work for you!

  • Insights

    Making A Success Or A Mess Of Mobile?

    We’ve heard it for years “mobile is the next big thing” and if we’re all being honest it took way too long to gain the traction many had predicted.  But now we are well and truly in the mobile era...so how many of us are actually making the most of mobile?

  • CAKE News

    And The Winner Is…

    CAKE has just returned from the Performance Marketing Awards in London hosted by PerformanceIN.com formerly known as A4U. It was an evening well spent recognizing the major participants within the Performance Marketing Space worthy of praise for their achievements in the past year.

  • Events

    CAKE Is Headed To London!

    The Performance Marketing Awards return to the Grosvenor House Hotel, on May 7th 2013, to award those companies driving innovation, and success within the Performance Marketing Industry over the last year!

  • CAKE News

    Ignorance and the Blurred Lines of Performance Marketing

    MD of CAKE, Jeff McCollum, gives his thoughts on performance marketing, certain terminology and opportunities within the growing industry...

    Many brands, and even people within the performance marketing industry, have a lack of understanding regarding the concept – according to US-founded company CAKE’s boss.

  • Insights

    Why Performance Marketing, Why Now?

    At CAKE we provide business intelligence for Performance Marketers. It is our mission to maximize the impact and optimize the value of digital spend for the $98 billion global digital advertising industry. Performance Marketing is growing at an annual rate of 17% and can provide measurable ROI.  Taking all of this into consideration we have seen an alarming number of enterprise brands not participating in this fast growing industry so we put this infographic together to educate CMO's on why they need to participate in Performance Marketing.

  • CAKE News

    Find out why Clickbooth selected Cake Marketing…

    Murray Newlands of Performance Marketing Insider interviews Erin Cigich, President of Clickbooth on why they decided to switch to the Cake Marketing tracking and analytics platform and what benefits they have seen as a result. Also find out what is going on with Clickbooth as we round out the year! Great Interview!

  • How-To

    Media Hosting With Cake

    CAKE now offers a media hosting feature that enables clients to manage their creative media with ease.

    You now have the option to:

    Download linked images
    Host creative media files in a cloud environment, whenever creative files are uploaded.

  • CAKE News

    AND…we’re back! Adtech was a blast!

    A quick 2 day trip up to San Francisco is a nice way to leave the office desk and chair behind and opt for face-to-face interaction with current clients and potential clients. We just got back from Adtech San Francisco and it was not only an extremely successful show for our Business Development team and quality time for our Account Managers to connect with their clients, but it also marked a turning point for Cake Marketing as a whole!

  • CAKE News

    Check Out Cake’s Knowledge Base And Forums!

    Utilizing the CAKE Zendesk, you can now browse individual forums to review a wide variety of help topics and research questions regarding Cake. IT GETS BETTER...If you are in need of some additional detail on a specific topic, simply leave a comment and field replies from other members of the CAKE community as well as the CAKE support staff.

  • CAKE News

    3 Years and Going Strong, Thank you Jodi and Warren!

    Whoever said time flies when you are having fun is right! I can’t believe we are already celebrating the three-year anniversary of Jodi and Warren with Cake! As part of our business development team they truly have transformed the business and have put Cake on the map in terms of growing our client base.