• Insights

    Unveiling CAKE Insights: Where Advanced Reporting Meets Powerful Visualizations

    At CAKE, we’re big believers that the value of data is undeniable. It can reveal insights, fuel decision-making, and deliver a competitive advantage. You probably agree. Yet, being able to put your data to work with reporting and visualizations has often proven to be easier said than done. That’s why we’re excited to introduce CAKE

  • Insights

    Lead Monetization: The Art of Increasing Earnings from Your Leads

      Is simply selling leads enough? If you’re aiming to maximize your earnings, the straightforward answer is no. While selling leads certainly offers networks a proven strategy to expand their existing affiliate operations and earn more revenue, what if we told you that a lead’s value extends beyond the initial lead sale? With lead monetization,

  • CAKE News

    Discover What’s New in CAKE

    CAKE is packed with powerful features designed for you to remain competitive by freeing up operational hours, delivering key insights, and enhancing tracking and lead distribution processes. Here’s a recap of what’s new in CAKE! Templates – Eliminate repetitive advertiser and offer setups  CAKE’s Advertiser and Offer Templates save significant operational hours by enabling customers

  • Insights

    Q&A: How to Deliver High-Quality Leads to Your Buyers

    There’s no doubt about it. Quality matters. This especially rings true when selling leads. In the lead distribution process, high-quality leads have a positive impact across the board — from fewer lead returns and increased revenue to strengthening buyer relationships and your credibility. Now, imagine the significant risks of selling subpar leads. This is a

  • Insights

    Reveal Powerful Conversion Insights with Advertiser Sub IDs

    The best types of conversions are those that reveal the most data about the detailed actions surrounding a conversion event. Yet, collecting enough conversion information is a common issue performance marketers often come up against. This blindspot results in critical gaps in information required for identifying your affiliates’ impact on conversions and makes it difficult

  • Insights

    We’ve Got You Covered: Privacy-Friendly Tracking With Chromium Client Hints

    In early February, a “privacy-forward” strategy will go live in Chromium — one of the world’s largest open-source web browser projects. This includes reducing user-identifiable information from the User-Agent string such as a user’s browser, device, and operating system. Fortunately, Chromium now also includes Client Hints, which enables developers to retrieve additional user information in

  • Insights

    Data Privacy and Security – Are you Prepared? A Step-by-Step Guide

      If your answer isn’t a resounding yes, it’s time to develop and implement a data privacy and security strategy guaranteed to be effective. A well-executed strategy will safeguard consumer data, avoid fines, preserve brand integrity, and ultimately give you a competitive edge. This is especially true given that 37 percent of consumers have ended

  • Insights

    Navigating 2024 Trends: Winning Strategies for Success

      To remain competitive in 2024, the brands that adapt and evolve within a changing economy and digital landscape will come out on top. We’re diving into two key trends influencing brands and the marketing strategies they can leverage to stay one step ahead. Global consumer spending behaviors are changing   The reality: In the

  • How-To

    Affiliate Marketing For Beginners – Your 2024 Kickstart Guide

    Affiliate marketing is a dynamic industry that continues to gain momentum and for good reasons. The performance-based marketing method has proven to increase brand awareness, generate new leads, and deliver strong ROI. For those looking to enter the affiliate industry or optimize their existing affiliate programs, CAKE has created the ultimate guide for affiliate marketing

  • How-To

    Lead Overflow: Two Strategies to Maximize Profitability

    Have you ever found yourself with a surplus of leads but limited bandwidth to connect with them? Or, perhaps you generated leads outside of your typical consumer profile. This is lead overflow, and it can elicit some initial panic. That is…until you discover its lucrative upside. Developing a proactive strategy to automatically manage and monetize

  • CAKE News

    Experience Excellence With Top-Tier SaaS Customer Success

    Have you ever encountered an issue with a tech provider or software platform and sought help, only to receive a response three days later? Or maybe you needed immediate help, but your vendor didn’t have support agents readily available, and even worse, a knowledge base was entirely nonexistent. Unfortunately, these nightmare scenarios are all too

  • Insights

    Turbocharge Revenue and Partnerships With an Affiliate Referral Program

    Affiliate referral programs have proven to deliver. They boost revenue growth by expanding your target audience, unveiling new business opportunities, and building partnerships. You already partner with a core group of trusted affiliates who consistently drive reliable results. An affiliate referral program enables these existing affiliates to introduce other dependable affiliates to your affiliate program