• CAKE News

    Discover What’s New in CAKE

    CAKE is packed with powerful features designed for you to remain competitive by freeing up operational hours, delivering key insights, and enhancing tracking and lead distribution processes. Here’s a recap of what’s new in CAKE! Templates – Eliminate repetitive advertiser and offer setups  CAKE’s Advertiser and Offer Templates save significant operational hours by enabling customers

  • Insights

    We’ve Got You Covered: Privacy-Friendly Tracking With Chromium Client Hints

    In early February, a “privacy-forward” strategy will go live in Chromium — one of the world’s largest open-source web browser projects. This includes reducing user-identifiable information from the User-Agent string such as a user’s browser, device, and operating system. Fortunately, Chromium now also includes Client Hints, which enables developers to retrieve additional user information in

  • Insights

    Navigating 2024 Trends: Winning Strategies for Success

      To remain competitive in 2024, the brands that adapt and evolve within a changing economy and digital landscape will come out on top. We’re diving into two key trends influencing brands and the marketing strategies they can leverage to stay one step ahead. Global consumer spending behaviors are changing   The reality: In the

  • Insights

    Affiliate Marketing Strategies to Leverage in 2023

    The affiliate channel’s measurable, pay-for-performance approach has historically offered one of the most resilient and adaptable channels available to brands. In 2023, this will continue to hold true. Here are two key digital marketing trends shaping today’s digital ecosystem and how affiliate marketing strategies can empower brands to stay one step ahead.  Brands are competing

  • How-To

    The Dynamic Click Pixel – A Simple Approach to Streamline Cross-Channel Measurement 

    CAKE’s Dynamic Click Pixel empowers digital marketers to leverage their existing tracking framework (or UTM parameters) to simultaneously measure their affiliate channel alongside all digital channels to identify the true return on ad spend (ROAS). In addition, the Dynamic Click Pixel offers a simple setup and enables digital marketers to measure multiple traffic sources with

  • How-To

    The Dynamic Offer Pixel Part One – A Key to Simplifying Postback URL Management

    So you’re ready to simplify your network’s ad operations, fast track integrations with advertisers, and ensure accurate tracking and measurement across your offers. Great, we’re glad you’re here. CAKE’s Dynamic Offer Pixel fuels a streamlined approach to postback URL management that accomplishes these benefits, plus so much more. As part of our ongoing tracking series,

  • Insights

    Ecommerce Statistics: Preparing for the Future of Shopping in 2022 and Beyond

    In today’s fast-paced world, ecommerce is only going to get bigger as consumers’ shopping habits increasingly shift online and technology advances. COVID-19 certainly accelerated things for the channel. In fact, during the last two years of the pandemic, Americans spent $1.7 trillion online, which is a 55 percent increase or $609 billion more than the

  • Insights

    The Cookieless Future: How to Maintain Accurate Measurement and Prioritize Consumer Privacy

    Performance marketers are preparing for a cookieless future full of evolving consumer privacy regulations. This new wave of regulations is making marketers rethink how to maintain accurate measurement across their digital campaigns. The impact? Affiliate networks that fail to prioritize privacy initiatives and adopt alternate tracking methods in lieu of cookie-based tracking will become obsolete.

  • Insights

    Affiliate Marketing Trends 2022: A Look Forward

    In part one of this two-part affiliate marketing series, we covered key challenges and significant milestones that impacted the affiliate channel since its inception in 1994. Now, in part two we’ll explore how affiliate marketing continues to evolve and important trends that are shaping the future of the channel.   What’s trending in 2022 The

  • How-To

    How to Attribute Conversions Using CAKE Fingerprint Tracking

    First-party cookies and cookieless tracking (server-to-server tracking) are the go-to approaches for the majority of your campaign measurement tactics. But what happens when those approaches fail? Or when cookie-based tracking isn’t available — such as with mobile install campaigns (CPI), social media campaigns, and influencer marketing? As an affiliate network, fingerprint tracking is an ideal

  • How-To

    How to Customize Sub ID Payouts to Reward Partners  

    Optimizing campaign performance depends on properly identifying which campaigns and partners are performing well. CAKE enables affiliate marketers to track and measure granular data points about partner performance using Sub ID click tracking parameters. With this knowledge, you’ll be in a position to do more of what is working best, reward your partners with higher payouts

  • How-To

    Using CAKE’s Direct Linking to Measure Google and Facebook Ad Performance

    The best way to accurately track and measure your campaign performance is to use tracking links. Measurement platforms, like CAKE, leverage tracking links in order to track a consumer’s click and conversion on a digital marketing campaign and attribute it back to a traffic source to measure campaign performance. However, as the industry changes, there