• Insights

    Bringing the “Human” Into An Automated World.

    Technology is great; there is no doubt about it! With the advancement of technology and the innovation of the Internet over the years, humans have a unique opportunity to explore creative outlets, make purchases, start a business and above all else automate their life! Of course this is great, we become much more productive and can focus on what really matters to us. Though at times do you ever wonder where the human went? 

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    Managing ALL Of Your Affiliate Marketing Channels

    According to a recent Mashable article, 71% of shoppers believe they’ll get a better deal online than in stores. If this is the case, Advertisers should set up their campaigns to entice these savvy shoppers and have the proper metrics in place to measure their results. 

  • Insights

    Do Work That Counts-Why Metrics Matter.

    This is a concept all digital marketers and everyone for that matter is familiar with in both our online and offline lives. Think back to elementary school when we received report cards and had parent teacher conferences to review our performance and learn areas we can improve upon. We performed, received a benchmark for our work and were then taught how to improve from there. 

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    Online Marketing and Big Data

    Google’s Chief Economist, Hal Varian, is quoted as saying, “the sexy job in the next ten years will be statisticians … The ability to take data—to be able to understand it, to process it, to extract value from it, to visualize it, to communicate it—that’s going to be a hugely important skill in the next decades.”

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    Changing Your Route Mid-Flight, Impossible?

    If we are talking about airplanes, then yes changing your route mid-flight might be somewhat tricky and nearly impossible. That is unless you are the pilot. What if you are a digital marketer, however? What does changing your “in-flight” plans really imply?

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    Digital Currency. The Wave Of The Future?

    Have you heard terms like “Bitcoin”, “Litecoin” and “digital currency” flying around a lot recently and wonder what they mean or how they might pertain to you? Digital currencies are a new form of…well, currency.  Simply put, it’s money in electronic form and Bitcoin is the current big boy leading the charge with Litecoin following quickly in its footsteps.  These two frontrunners are a few of the currencies out there. Now, how does it pertain to you?  At this point, probably not in many ways.  Cash is still king and digital currencies haven’t been able to become the financial standard…yet.

  • Insights

    Hats Off to DirectTrack

    When you are a $350B global mega-tech-opoly like Google, you can abruptly bow out of the affiliate marketing business with a sudden announcement to customers.  The shutdown of GAN went something like this: “Find another provider within the next couple of months or else you’re up the creek without a pixel!”  This left advertisers panicked and scurrying.

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    Black Friday. Are You Ready?

    What day in November includes getting together with family, watching football, and eating your way to a tryptophan induced coma? You guessed it, Black Friday Eve. Though technically Thanksgiving on all of our printed calendars, once midnight approaches, consumers will rush out, wait in line and even camp out to score great deals on all types of products both in stores and online.

  • Insights

    Where Did The Payphones Go?

    Do you remember when street corners were covered with payphones? It’s tricky to recall because smart phones have infiltrated our lives to such an extent that if we leave home without them we feel totally incomplete. In fact, most of us probably have very little recollection of making a collect call or carrying change around just in case we needed to use a payphone. So where did they all go? With the advent of smartphones, comes one of the most complex yet simple technological advancements to consumers across the globe. Mobile. 

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    Humanizing Your Brand!

    One of the most powerful tools in any business is the face behind the product.  Nowadays, there are plenty of resources on how to “promote” your brand.  Whether the resource is using one of the many social media platforms or something as simple as a customer spreading the word for your company- the commonality is how this is done… the human being. Implementing the “who” into any business will help scale any marketable product.  It’s all about “humanizing your brand!”

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    Knock, Knock. Who’s There? Analytics. Can I Come In?

    5 Reasons why every digital marketer should bring their analytics in-house with a SaaS Platform:

    1.    Gain valuable business insights
    2.    Save on 3rd party fees
    3.    Greater control on data, firsthand
    4.    Create a branded solution
    5.    Develop direct relationships

  • Insights

    Did You Know?

    A Quick Fact For Today!

    With a digital spend of $47 billion forecasted for 2014, there is no time like the present to start building your performance marketing program! Before you begin, make sure you have the proper technology in place and have built a strategy around that technology. If you want to measurably improve your ROI and optimize your marketing campaigns you will need real-time analytics, detailed reporting and accurate data to ensure your decision making is influencing your marketing investments for the better! Don't let 2014 pass you by! Create actionable and profitable KPI's to start seeing both short-term and long-term results across all of your performance marketing channels!

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    The Evolution Of Analytics!

    Information can be referenced here! 

  • Insights

    Images Are Everything On Pinterest

    Every person I know is addicted to some form of social media. Whether it’s Tumblr, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter – there are legions of followers and members who spend hours of their lives interacting with online media. For me, my addiction is to Pinterest.

  • Insights

    Would You Mind Tracking That For Me?

    “5208…5209…5210…I made it…FINALLY…what a day!” I just reached the average steps estimated for women to walk in a single day. How do I know this? My nifty Nike Pedometer tracked my steps throughout the day and just displayed my results.

  • Insights

    Stages of Digital Media Addiction – And Recovery!

    We live in a world obsessed with digital media. Wearable technology – whether watchesglasses or fitness trackers – is trending in the tech space, so it’s better to develop the skills to deal with digital media effectively before every aspect of your life is consumed by it. It’s incredibly easy to fall into an addiction cycle with digital technology, whether it’s your iPhone or a new online game. Because of this tendency towards addiction – I know I am always becoming obsessed with one form of media or another – it’s equally important to recognize the stages of addiction, and learn how to recover from it. 

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    The Ominous Omnichannel

    Last night for dinner I went to Blaze Pizza—my new favorite pizza joint. Why is it my favorite? It’s simple really—I am able to customize my pizza exactly the way I want it. It’s sort of like the Burger King “have it your way” on steroids. I am able to watch and instruct the “pizza artist” similar to how you would at Subway, except I don’t get stared down when I ask them to add more black olives.  In the end, I get exactly the pizza I want—the pizza I have convinced myself I deserve.

  • Insights

    Performance Marketing Defined!

    “What do you do for a living?” is probably one of the most frequently asked questions that new acquaintances, close friends, and family members ask me on a regular basis. It’s a very normal question to ask, but for those of us in the Performance Marketing industry, it is surprisingly difficult to answer without getting blank stares.