• Blog

    Compete Against Large Retailers: Choose the Right Affiliate Network

    To help merchants figure out which network is for them, Website Magazine is sharing a few tips on what to look for in a network, as well as what merchants can do to make themselves more attractive to affiliate publishers; featuring CAKE’s very own Woo Song!  Read the full article here.

  • Events

    ¡Adios Mobile World Congress! – Event Highlights

    We made it! Mobile World Congress was four jam-packed days of mobile talk, innovation, networking and lots of walking. CAKE had a fantastic time meeting with our existing clients and partners as well as forming some great new relationships! This was our first time exhibiting at Mobile World Congress, and our already high expectations were greatly

  • Insights

    E-Commerce Marketing And Real-Time Analytics: Strategies For Success

    CAKE Founder & CTO, Dave Stewart, shares his expertise in Retail Touchpoint’s Executive Viewpoint’s section. Read the full article here to gain valuable insight on how to incorporate real-time analytics into your e-commerce business’ marketing strategy.

  • Events

    SXSW: It’s All About the Journey

    This week we’re heading out to South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin. As you probably know, SXSW brings a unique intersection of original music, independent films and emerging technologies. CAKE is excited to be part of this event, and will be taking stage at the Marketo SXSW Engagement Lounge on Saturday March 14 at noon

  • Insights

    White Paper: Mobile Tracking

    While in-app tracking has been gaining popularity in recent years, many marketers have been slow to leverage the potential benefits it offers. This could be due to the fact that, over the past decade, many businesses initially created apps as a reaction to the influence and popularity of mobile devices. Many approached digital agencies with

  • Insights

    7 Things You Didn’t Know About PPC Call Conversions

    Believe it or not, mobile search generates phone calls. Pretty crazy, right? People use their smartphones to search the Internet and make phone calls. In fact, Google reports that 61% of mobile searches result in a phone call. And with Apple selling more than 74 million iPhones in the month of December alone, that number

  • Blog

    Cool New Technology Showcased at eTail West

    The floor at eTail West 2015 was buzzing with the industry’s newest, cutting-edge vendors and we are grateful to Multichannel Merchant for naming us as one of the eTail exhibitors who stood out in the pack!  Read the full article here!

  • Insights

    5 Reasons to Add Email to Your Affiliate Program

    Guest blog post written by Morgan Simon, UnsubCentral Marketing Manager. We may be a little biased, but here at UnsubCentral we love email. Our team has many years of experience in the affiliate marketing industry and has worked with hundreds of clients on how to remain compliant while running successful email programs. Below are 5

  • Events

    Mobile World Congress – Using Technology to Track Mobile Advertising

    In early March, more than 85,000 mobile industry leaders are expected to come together in Barcelona for the 2015 Mobile World Congress, Europe’s largest event dedicated to mobile. Over the course of four days from March 2 to 5, attendees will get essential, in-depth industry insight, highlighting areas of growth and opportunity. CAKE is pleased

  • Insights

    CAKE Leadscon Preview: The Latest In Campaign Attribution

    As little as two years ago, campaign attribution was in an entirely different place. Properly attributing conversions across multiple marketing channels was a huge, complex undertaking. Marketers had to spend a good deal of time in disparate systems, using complicated, labor-intensive methods to get what can only be described as an incomplete view of the

  • Insights

    Delving Into What’s Important to Today’s Retailers

    Last week, the Digiday Retail Summit was held in beautiful Half Moon Bay, Calif. Since CAKE offers a number of solutions to help retailers with their performance marketing efforts, I set out to hear first hand what is important today to online retailers and their customers.        Breaking Down Silos One of the biggest

  • CAKE News

    ASW 2015: The First Stepping-stone on our Journey to Another Successful Year

    Well, that’s another Affiliate Summit West in the books. Everyone at CAKE had a fantastic time meeting with our existing clients and partners as well as fostering some great new relationships. Building on the successes of a very fruitful 2014, we set out to make ASW 2015 the first stepping-stone on our journey to another