• Insights

    Unearthing Your Potential!

    Imagine you’re the parent of a 9th grader—you’re at that point in the parenting process where you’ve allowed your child a certain amount of autonomy and more often than not, your inquisition into their performance at school takes the form of “how are you doing in your algebra class?” To which they respond, “I am at the top of my class!”

  • Insights

    Data Visualization; Everybody’s Doing It!

    We live in a time of unprecedented access to information and levels of connectivity. People from all corners of the globe can communicate and share ideas on a day-to-day basis. Data is everywhere. Our online activity is documented with increasing levels of sophistication. If you’re in the digital advertising or performance marketing industry, you already know how powerful data is. We interact with large datasets all of the time, but do we actually understand it?

  • Insights

    Product And Support-Finding The Right Balance

    Determining the right balance of product and support to take to market can be a daunting task for any organization that is looking to differentiate itself in a very competitive market.   Among the many factors to consider, there are some key ones to keep in mind.

  • Insights

    Value in Technology

    “It's unwise to pay too much, but it's worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money - that's all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do. The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot - it can't be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the risk you run, and if you do that you will have enough to pay for something better.” –John Ruskin

  • Insights

    Mobile Performance Marketing Is A Piece Of CAKE!

    Smartphones and tablets are here to stay and they’re clearly here to dominate the world.  Maybe phones haven’t become self-aware terminating machines [yet] but access to smart phones, and therefore mobile broadband, is reaching far beyond that of the lowly desktop computer that revolutionized our lives not so long ago.

  • Insights

    Attribution In Performance Marketing: You Can’t Drive To Hawaii

    I am on my way to Hawaii to meet my family for a vacation and looking forward to the beach, sun, and surf but what a journey it will be with 3 kids all under 6 years old, including a one year old. When I arrive at the hotel in Maui I am sure I will be greeted at the front desk with a fresh Hawaiian lei and a warm smile followed by, “Aloha, where did you folks come from?”  That answer really depends on whom you ask.

  • Insights

    Getting The Most Out Of Onboarding And Training

    Changing platforms can be difficult. Luckily there's a team at CAKE to make things much easier. Advertisers, Networks, and Agencies all have one major thing in common. Finding a tracking platform supported by uptime guarantees to ensure their data is always in safe hands, is of the utmost importance.  Once you've found your perfect platform, you now need to learn how to use it, and not just use it…but really get the most out of it! This phase is commonly referred to as onboarding and training. During this stage all data will need to be transferred to the new platform, and all users will need to be trained on your new system.

  • Insights

    Tracking And Converting The World One “like” And “tweet” At A Time!

    It was spring semester of 2006.  I was writing my mid-term paper for college when my friend came rushing into my room to tell me all about this website she had just signed up for.  But this wasn’t just any ordinary website.  This website required you to have a college email to sign up.  College kids connecting with other college kids?  I was hooked!  I was connecting with people I haven’t been in contact with for years, friends that moved to other states for college… little did I know that this was going to change the way the world used technology… wait, scratch that! This was the beginning of a whole new Online Marketing opportunity and era!

  • Insights

    Performance Marketing for Publishers – is it really ALL that hard?

    I had a limited understanding of performance marketing until about a year ago. I found it so interesting that it wasn’t before long; I was on Google reading just about every article I could find on the subject. Surprisingly, the majority of results happened to be individuals who proclaim they are performance marketing gurus and that you should pay a hefty fee to attend their conference to learn how to make it BIG.

  • Insights

    Making A Success Or A Mess Of Mobile?

    We’ve heard it for years “mobile is the next big thing” and if we’re all being honest it took way too long to gain the traction many had predicted.  But now we are well and truly in the mobile era...so how many of us are actually making the most of mobile?

  • Insights

    Why Performance Marketing, Why Now?

    At CAKE we provide business intelligence for Performance Marketers. It is our mission to maximize the impact and optimize the value of digital spend for the $98 billion global digital advertising industry. Performance Marketing is growing at an annual rate of 17% and can provide measurable ROI.  Taking all of this into consideration we have seen an alarming number of enterprise brands not participating in this fast growing industry so we put this infographic together to educate CMO's on why they need to participate in Performance Marketing.

  • Insights

    Mobile Tracking After The Removal Of The UDID

    Some time ago Apple deprecated developer's access to the UDID for iOS devices and recently it has been reported that they are proactively rejecting apps that are submitted which still access it.  Many networks have relied solely upon this feature to track user activity between multiple apps on the same device but fortunately there are many good replacements that are all supported by Cake for mobile tracking in its absence. There are some things to consider when choosing the best replacement of the UDID for your network. I will briefly touch on a few of these replacement options as well as Cake’s opinions on them.