• CAKE News

    Cross-Region Redundancy Revisited

    Most developers understand the importance of redundancy at different levels in a web application’s architecture. However, events like the Sept. 20 Amazon Web Services (AWS) outage prove that leveraging tools in just a single region, even with the redundancy they provide across availability zones, is still not enough. The only method of absorbing these types

  • Insights

    CAKE Leadscon Preview: The Latest In Campaign Attribution

    As little as two years ago, campaign attribution was in an entirely different place. Properly attributing conversions across multiple marketing channels was a huge, complex undertaking. Marketers had to spend a good deal of time in disparate systems, using complicated, labor-intensive methods to get what can only be described as an incomplete view of the

  • CAKE News

    Letter from the CTO: CAKE for Networks Takes Affiliate Marketing to the Next Level

    Since its inception, CAKE has been committed to fostering innovation and growth in the affiliate industry. That quest continues… At the start of 2014 CAKE began an initiative to uplift our current platform and brand, and today we introduced a new release of CAKE for Networks. With this latest version, affiliate networks can access data-driven

  • CAKE News

    The Cake Marketing MOBILE APP is LIVE!

    We’re excited to announce that we’ve officially released our iPhone/iPad application to the App Store! While our traditional web interface is usable on many mobile devices, it was never meant to provide quick and easy access on a small screen. Yet we realize that many of our customers pride themselves on being connected and available to their affiliates 24/7, so we are determined to ease visibility and network management on the go. Not only does the app provide you AND YOUR AFFILIATES real-time stats in the palm of your hand, but it also provides the ability to: