CAKE Launches Swift SDK for iOS Mobile Developers

CAKE has provided mobile attribution and analytics since 2012 with the release of our mobile SDKs for Android and iOS devices.
Each CAKE Mobile SDK is as lightweight, noninvasive and flexible as possible to keep overhead minimal and user privacy a top priority. They facilitate communications between mobile apps and the CAKE back-end infrastructure, where the heavy lifting of attribution and analytics takes place.
The Android and iOS SDKs were authored in their respective native programming languages: Java and Objective-C. However — two years ago this month — Apple introduced a new programming language to the world: Swift.
With that introduction, iOS developers have had the choice of developing new mobile apps in either Objective-C or Swift. Now that Swift is two years old and gaining wide adoption and popularity, we decided to support the rapidly growing Swift community with a tracking SDK authored in their native tongue.
With interoperability between Swift and Objective-C, Swift developers can still use legacy Objective-C SDKs (including CAKE’s), but it comes at a cost due to the need for bridging headers. The developer also incurs the mental expense of context switching between two very different programming languages.
For app developers that can benefit from CAKE’s Deferred Deep Linking capabilities, the new Swift SDK comes with this functionality baked right in. A simple callback to the main application allows for redirection to a specified app view upon install and open.
For any present or future CAKE clients making the switch to the exciting new world of Swift, we invite you to test-drive CAKE’s new Swift SDK. As always we welcome your highly valued feedback and look forward to enthusiastically supporting the Swift community with even more functionality coming to the Swift SDK in the near future.