Leveraging CAKE Reporting for Detailed Insights

Leveraging CAKE Reports
Data is our friend. Important business decisions are made every day from data that is collected. In this blog, we will review how to leverage click and conversion data from CAKE’s reporting to help optimize digital spend and enhance the performance of marketing campaigns.
CAKE goes beyond more than just a tracking platform for performance marketers. CAKE’s software provides tools for reporting and analysis that drive future decisions and in turn impacts marketing investments and spend.
Let’s take a look at the most popular reports on the Affiliate side. The most common CAKE Master Reports include: Affiliate, Offer, and Campaign. Utilizing these reports, Advertisers and Networks will be able to see how specific affiliates, offers and campaigns are performing and drill down further into reports to obtain more information such as: sub-affiliate reporting, data broken down by country and/or region and even an hourly report for a specific entity.
Simplifying the Process
All reports are exportable to a CSV file, and can be manipulated prior to exporting to hide and re-arrange certain columns, or to include additional filters. With the ability to add custom columns, create personal views and filter the data, users are always looking at the important information required to make effective and efficient business decisions.
CAKE’s click reports offer additional information about each individual click that comes through CAKE, such as: SubID information, duplicate clicks, and disposition. With conversion reports, Advertisers and Networks can gain access to the conversion ID and mark a conversion as a test if necessary. If there is more than one conversion you need to adjust pricing on, simply right click and complete the price adjustment.
All of the data CAKE provides in reporting can be used to optimize marketing spend. You might find that certain affiliates and/or sub-affiliates are performing better than others, which provides the opportunity to make adjustments. Or one offer might be drastically out-performing another similar offer. Equipped with this knowledge Advertisers and Networks may decide to focus their attention and traffic on the high performing offer. It is also common to drill down into creative reporting and find that one creative is converting at a higher rate than others, thus your Affiliates will want to begin implementing these creatives.
For more information on CAKE’s Reporting, check out our Knowledge Base article. If you would like to receive training or have questions, please feel free to reach out to your Client Success Manager directly!