Communication is Key – Leveraging Email Templates and Alerts

In a world where communication is imperative, CAKE recognizes the necessity for sharing real-time updates with our clients’ employees and their partners. CAKE has built tools that help streamline the communications. Leveraging Email Templates and Alerts, our clients can quickly and efficiently communicate updates on items such as offer statuses, payout changes, expiration dates, approaching caps, potential fraud, and a multitude of other reasons.
Email Templates
CAKE has a range of default email templates that are automatically sent to your partners (advertisers and affiliates) when various actions occur. For instance, your affiliates will receive an email letting them know when a pending campaign or pixel has been approved or denied. Similarly, you can have emails sent to your advertisers containing an updated pixel on an offer, or login information to their advertiser portal. In addition to these default templates; you can create custom templates with the ability to insert tokens for certain values in addition to these default templates.
Pro tip: If you decide to send custom emails, which you can create in HTML or plain text, we always suggest sending a test email to your own email address to see what the email looks like before sending it to others.
CAKE alerts are real-time email notifications that can be set up for employees and affiliates. They can be used to communicate when mass adjustments are made, campaign/offer caps are approaching and even alert you to suspicious activity due to excessive conversions/clicks ratio. When setting up these notifications, you can select “who” and “what” triggers an alert. Employees and affiliates will then be able to subscribe to alerts available to them. In addition, you can view when alerts were sent and to whom they were sent, keeping all lines of communication open and transparent.
Email templates and alerts save our clients the hassle of individually reaching out to affiliates, which can simplify workloads dramatically.
Stop by the CAKE Knowledge Base to read more about setting up Alerts and Email Templates, and don’t hesitate to reach out to your Client Success Manager for help in getting set up if needed!