Would You Mind Tracking That For Me?

“5208…5209…5210…I made it…FINALLY…what a day!” I just reached the average steps estimated for women to walk in a single day. How do I know this? My nifty Nike Pedometer tracked my steps throughout the day and just displayed my results.
It doesn’t stop there…my sportswatch also sends me automatic reminders throughout the day, connecting me to a world of other runners and avid “step counters.” It also shows me the top running spots in my area that I might be interested in AND – and this is actually a big AND – it helped me set a goal. It provided immediate insight into how I could reach this goal by pushing myself a little bit harder each day.

Okay, after 5210 steps, and working all day at a standing desk, my legs are screaming at me! It’s time to relax on the couch and scroll through my latest Instagram and Facebook feeds to see what my friends are up to. In a world obsessed with multitasking and always staying busy, thank goodness we have social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to track our friends’ greatest life events, and remind us of things we should NEVER forget…like birthdays, babies, engagements and weddings.
Switching gears for a quick second I put my phone aside to shuffle through the mail and I see a postcard from my dentist’s office reminding me I am due for my 6-month checkup. Gosh, what would I do without that nice office assistant out there checking my records, tracking my yearly appointments, and sending me reminders for my appointment times! It’s really nice to know there is someone looking out for me and monitoring my schedule.
In a moment of clarity I think to myself, “wow, tracking infiltrates nearly every aspect of my everyday life. I track my footsteps. Social Media tracks my friends. My dentist tracks my appointment history.” It’s crazy when you really think about how often we are tracked on a daily basis. It’s much more commonplace than any of us realize.
We track and measure our results. We then learn how to better exert our effort to achieve even greater results the next go around. This is how we obtain our maximum results and unearth our new potential across all aspects of our life.
If we are tracking just about everything possible in our personal lives, why then should we not be tracking all of our online digital channels as well?
Let’s face it, In an increasingly omnichannel world, online marketers require real-time metrics to provide greater optimization and better decision making with their marketing investments.
From click to conversion, business intelligence delivers increased insight into targeting customers across all data points and attributes the lifetime value of the customer with the marketing campaign that captured them.
It is time to put our best foot forward and start taking advantage of the tools available to us. As online marketers we need to proactively engage with our audience to more effectively and efficiently target our marketing investments.
This might seem somewhat overwhelming, but technology really has made this process rather simple. If you think to yourself, what results have I produced and you can’t answer the question, it’s time to revisit your approach. Technology provides the tools and education necessary to succeed in the digital marketing world!