LeadGen Is A Piece Of CAKE!

As a previous trainer, I tend to be a bit fanatical about the capabilities of CAKE. Not only is CAKE an extremely powerful Affiliate Network and Agency platform, we also excel at lead gen. CAKE’s heart and soul has always been in lead gen and we’ve been providing our customers with the most powerful and innovative technology since we opened our doors.
First, let’s clarify what it means to do lead gen. Yes, CAKE will track everything from impression to click to conversion. You’ve just generated a “lead.” But have you captured that consumer’s data and validated it, filtered the data to find the best possible Buyer, and then routed the lead via XML to the most poised Buyer? You may be surprised to know that CAKE handles both situations with extreme ease.
Performance Marketing shouldn’t stop at clicks and pixels. Nor should you have to leverage several tools to essentially track and report on one consumer. It doesn’t make sense to view Cost in one platform, review Revenue in a separate platform and then export both to view your company’s P&L on a spreadsheet.
This is why you need to GET CAKE because CAKE GETS it. When you leverage both the Affiliate side of CAKE and the Buyer side of CAKE, the possibilities are endless. Let’s take a quick look at how CAKE is able to track your consumer from Advertisement to being a sold lead.
Advertisement – Consumer sees the Ad. The CAKE Impression Pixel has fired and we’ve just tracked a “View”.
Click – Consumer clicks on the Ad. CAKE is now redirecting your consumer to your landing page. We’ve now tracked a click and have additional reporting metrics for an accurate “Click Thru Rate”.
Data Validation – At this point, the consumer is filling in their name, email address and any additional information you may be collecting on your form. If they fill in something incorrectly or not at all, CAKE’s validation will step in.
Submit – Your form is now posting the lead to CAKE and sending a response to your form. At this point, you’re aware of the consumer’s Lead ID in CAKE and the value of that lead.
Distribution – How do you want to route your lead to your Buyer? CAKE can handle it all. We support:
- Ping Trees
- Round Robins
- Price Priority
- Custom Priority
- Exclusive Sales
- Multi Sales
- Cherry Pick the lead to your preferred Buyer
Post To Buyer – How does your Buyer need to receive the lead? CAKE can handle your posting needs. We deliver leads via:
So why CAKE? You now have every bit of information concerning that lead all in a single dashboard. No more pulling obscure reports from 3 different platforms and back end servers to discover your bottom line. This is Performance Marketing! We need to work in real-time and make decisions even quicker.