Humanizing Your Brand!

One of the most powerful tools in any business is the face behind the product. Nowadays, there are plenty of resources on how to “promote” your brand. Whether the resource is using one of the many social media platforms or something as simple as a customer spreading the word for your company- the commonality is how this is done… the human being. Implementing the “who” into any business will help scale any marketable product. It’s all about “humanizing your brand!”
Who: in my opinion, the “who” is the most important tool to any growing (or even successful) company &/or brand. The people that are behind the product- whether this is a development team, customer support team or the receptionist who is considered to be the “1st impression”- these are the people that are your walking billboard. Start from the inside out. The team that is within the 4 walls of your business is a direct reflection on what you want the product to strive to be. If you are the CEO of that company, set the example and be a leader! If you are the employee of that company, set the example and be a leader! See the similarity? In order to engage with your target clients (or even current clients) you must know who you are and what you are before you can inspire that deal that is in the pipeline. Be the “who” in the product- believe in what you do.
“So what do you do at CAKE?” I could simply just give an answer like “I am an Account Manager”… but I find myself going into greater detail about what I do for a living. Sure, I’m not the person who developed the product, but I am the person contributing to the growth of the product by engaging with my clients on a day-to-day basis of their usage of our platform. I am the person who is taking the feedback from my clients and brainstorming with my team on new ideas all the time in regards to CAKE. I am humanizing our brand. “What do my clients/customers need? What do they want”- one way to figure out the answers to these questions is to create a poll. In 5 questions or less, post on your Facebook page a quick survey that caters to your current audience asking them for feedback on “what” they would like to see from your organization or “what” do they need from you as a client. Listen to the people that use your product- positive or negative feedback- this is an important factor in marketing your brand to “not be like the others”. Bring the human element to your brand. Be the “who” that creates and tells the story of your product- it’s all about adding the human touch. Marketing really hits home when you tell a story and a consumer can relate to that story!