How To Get The Most Out Of Your Training

Networks, Advertisers and Affiliate Marketing companies all have one thing in common; they love transitioning to a new tracking platform as much as they love hitting themselves with a hammer. Changing tracking platforms ensues immense anxiety and fear. If worrying about losing traffic, contacts, creatives and time doesn't kill you, learning an entirely new system just might push you over the edge. That is, unless, you're training with Cake. The training department isn't only concerned with showing you where the search engine is or how to set up alerts, but we're striving to know your business. Of all people, you know that your company is slightly (or not so slightly) different than the network down the street. Let us learn your business. Give us insight into how you drive traffic. Provide us the tools to make your business not only “work” with Cake but to grow and thrive with Cake. At the end of the day, we're here for you. Our ultimate goal is to see your business become more successful with Cake.
Don't take my word for it, though. I'll let a Cake client do that for me…
“[The Training Team] really took business to a new level when we worked together. [They] provided awesome training that was beyond insightful into helping us run an effective business with CAKE's tracking platform. [Their] attitude is remarkable and… knowledge is very in depth on “how to make things work”. It was one of the very first impressions I received when we dove into making the change to CAKE. I really enjoy our business relationship.” – Michael G. Stults, Click Official