3 Years and Going Strong, Thank you Jodi and Warren! - CAKE Google+
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3 Years and Going Strong, Thank you Jodi and Warren!

Whoever said time flies when you are having fun is right! I can’t believe we are already celebrating the three-year anniversary of Jodi and Warren with Cake! As part of our business development team they truly have transformed the business and have put Cake on the map in terms of growing our client base. They reach out to hundreds of networks, agencies, advertisers and brands weekly and spread the good word about Cake. Something I find most admirable about these two is their ability to cultivate relationships and friendships with the people they work with. Rather then just sell sell sell they take the time to understand your business, your goals and where you plan to go and come up with a plan to help make that happen. We are so grateful for the loyalty and dedication they have shown to our team. It has been a lot of fun watching them grow and succeed within Cake and establish themselves as true industry veterans when it comes to their knowledge of how to run a successful business. Thank you both for everything you have done and we look forward to your continued success!