Navigating the Customer Journey with Big Data

Big Data Roundup
Big data has many uses for marketers that can help them achieve a wide range of goals more effectively and efficiently. But there are also big challenges associated with big data, from collecting it to managing and understanding it.
Below outlines key takeaways and trends around big data to help advertisers and marketers put it to work.
- Data is a top priority among marketers, with many intending to boost budgets
- Marketers slow to ‘connect the dots’ to track customers across channels
- Integrating technologies is key to overcoming data gaps
- Few consumers think companies are doing all they can to protect digital privacy
- As B2Bs spread efforts across a wide range of marketing channels, a cross-channel view becomes critical
- Customer experience presents exciting opportunities, but few use a single customer view for marketing activities
- Data-driven marketing spending, revenues and profits will continue to rise
Source: ‘Big Data Roundup’ report from eMarketer