Media Partners
Expand Your Reach and Drive New Traffic
Get Access to CAKE's Top Media Partners
CAKE has brought together the top media partners and worked closely with them to ensure they are well-versed in our technology, allowing them to expertly help our customers better integrate the world’s best media solutions with your CAKE digital marketing hub.
All the traffic you'll ever need
CAKE’s Media Partners can expand your reach through well-established, worldwide audiences. With access to some of the most popular media sites and networks, these partners provide a quick and easy way for our customers to serve up high-quality, relevant ads and other content, and in turn, drive profitable traffic through solutions like:
International traffic redirect
Monetize unwanted international traffic by redirecting them to a partner page that is both relevant for the user and profitable for you
Shopping rewards
Take advantage of directing traffic to shopping sites that reward you when customers make purchases
Ad monetization optimization
Easily optimize ad monetization with partner tools that let you get the most money for ad traffic
Voucher code site traffic
Partner with voucher code sites to direct traffic already looking for great deals and get a portion of the sale when they use a voucher code
Connected commerce applications
Send traffic to cross-device, highly social and infinitely personalized commerce sites that provide interactive user experiences
Content monetization programs
Benefit from established revenue sharing programs to monetize digital content to increase the value of existing and future content
Content-driven commerce sites
Profit from driving traffic to sites that use content-driven experiences to establish long-term buying relationships with customers
Abandonment incentive sites
Send traffic to sites that incentivize users not to abandon purchases before you get your share of revenue from the sale